Another time, I had both both my sons Gerber Freeman S30V knives with stag handles. My oldest and I were tracking a deer through the heavy underbrush on a property that's situated more or less on the side of a mountain, running down to a stream. There are about 10 acres of the densest Mid-Atlantic undergrowth you've ever seen and after searching for an hour for a deer one of us shot at, we bagged it and went home.

After we got home, my son, then about 12, realized his hunting bag had been open the entire time and his knife was gone. I figured that blade was gone forever. Shame, too, since it was a beautiful knife. I told him we could go look for it the next morning before church.

We got out to the woods and had about two hours to find the knife. We started on some of the bigger game trails. After about a half hour, I called him over and said "This is hopeless. You and I will never find this knife--the vegetation is too dense, and the knife looks exactly like the forest floor. However, GOD knows exactly where it is. If it's wisdom in Him, He can show us exactly where it is." I asked my son to say a prayer and then I said one as well, asking God to direct us to where the knife was.

After praying, I suggested he look where he felt he should look and I'd do the same. I went down a barely visible game trail, thick with vegetation and leaves. I took that trail to another, to another, to another, not having a clue where I was or where I was going.

Suddenly, I felt I should stop. I did and looked down, and there at my feet was my son's knife, sheath and all. I called my son over, we offered a prayer of gratitude, and went home to get ready for church.

That has served as a great lesson for my son, me, and the rest of our family. Certainly this knife want important to God's work managing the affairs of the universe. However, a little boy was sad and anxious, and HE was important to God.

God may be the Creator who holds all things in balance, but He is never so busy or so far removed that he doesn't have time to worry about each of us and the things that concern us. He is just as concerned with you and I as he was with helping his 12 year old child find his hunting knife.

I actually have the knife in our family room table. We were discussing this story Sunday during our home services smile Couldn't figure out a way to post a pic though...

JYD #126
Super JYD #13

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

"A free people ought to be armed."

- George Washington