
Bill, I remember the first time I served Jury Duty, my employer was areal A__hole about it, although I would not give in to his arrogance and lack of since of duty. The number one complaint that I heard from other potential Jurors was work related problems. I think the rules concerning employers and jury duty should be strenghtened and enforced in order to ensure that more people don't have to endure the sometimes long lasting affects on a citizen who is willing to serve and do their duty as a citzen.

Good point Jeff. As a self employed person, my employer is very tolerant of my time off.

In Texas, people who are ill are able to avoid service with a letter from their doctor. This can be done through the mail. I saw many elderly people who were called down to the court house and that's a shame IMO. Getting to the court house in Houston is no picnic and it must be a real hardship for the elderly. They are required to serve up til the age of seventy. These folks should be able to serve or opt out without penalty. There was also a woman who appeared to be mentally ill. Had a constant 1,000 yard stare and seemed to be unaware of her surroundings.

Mr. Bill Old guys just know stuff! and, Old guys just have old stuff!