I've got an Ontario Spec-Plus Navy.. Supposedly 440A but it rusts like 1095! I wouldn't buy Ontario again, wait for the Scrapper 6! Did I mention it (Navy) was prone to small chips off the edge in moderate use?

In fairness I can't comment on the Rat 7 having not used one but they have reviewed well in a couple of British gun mags.. But they weren't Cliff Stamp'd!

I like RUST!!!!!!! May be coincidence, but I have better luck with knives taking and holding an edge that have high enough carbon content to rust.
I am just leery of the scrapper6 even becoming available again as my emmail hasn't been returned, nor anything posted in these forums about a definite timeframe.

BTW what is "Cliff Stamped"

Will b e using this blade HEAVILY for pelvis splitting while cleaning deer and utility use around the ranch.

What was chipping? the finish? or the steel. 440 steel is [censored] IMHO

Patti recieved an e-mail late this afternoon and has not had a chance to respond.

We will be producing more Scrapper 6's. A difinitive date is not currrently available due to all our resouces being focused on bringing out the chopper...aka Dog Father.

You mentioned in another posting about your concern on availablity before the next deer season, I would think we should be good for that.

As far as performance is concerned, ScrapYard is founded on pure performance at the best possible price. So if you are looking for a company that will put it on the line, you found it. We warrant our knives againist any and all unintentional major damage for life and not just for the original owner.

If you are looking for a pretty, pre-madonna show knife...this ain't the place.

Its good to have you join the forum and run with the pack...Welcome!

Dumpster Dan