I want a Game Warden and a Warboar made by Scrapyard..WHEW THERE I SAID IT!!!

The INFI warboar is a waste...you dont need ultimate edge holding from a slasher...MAKE IT IN SR77 or heck even O-1 and I would buy it!

A kerambit in SR-101 or SR-77 is an equal waste, for what a kerambit is used for.


lets be honest guys...How many of us are REALLY going to test these knives to a point that we could even tell a difference?? I would say around 95% of knifebuyers wont ever take it to that level

I can see folks really testing out a steel's ability in something like a 6-7" camp knife or 9-10" bowie or a crash axe, but not a neck knife or a kerambit.