I have read a lot of opinions but repeatedly i have seen the khukuri and Golok as fovorites for bushcraft, camping, making a shelter, and etc.
I favor the khukuri because i can pry and dig with it and chop. here is my problem.
over the weekend I used a cheap india made khukuri. I had it sharpened by a custom knife maker in utah. I used a long side a recon scout, (if I owned an m6 or s6 i would use that). obviously the khuk chopped small limbs up to a 6 inch diamater 3 to 1 compared to the recon scout. but with large logs like a 9 inch diamater i had no success. I also tried splitting the log but no success. the recon split the log with no problems. the log was thicker then the blade length so I bationed the scout down one side and then down the other. the khukuri would not baton well. partialy because of the curved handle but also the penetration was poor. I assume it may be the geometry of the blade.

from your experience do khukuris not baton well compared to a bowie?
thanks in advance.