Man that is a dead ringer! The ninja I most resemble is Chris Farley in Beverly Hills Ninja.

I downloaded Mantrapping for free off piratebay. Downloads for personal use are still legal in Canada although probably not for much longer. Great book and it is the only book ever on the subject of nonexplosive boobytraps. Most Mantraps are like really big animal traps or the better ones are an animal size trap that triggers a bigger trap. That way you have a small counterweight trap that when sprung yanks out a big log which is like a giant version of the tiny trigger you just stepped on. That way you can have a 25 pound trigger hold several thousand pounds of logs.

The Mantrapping book has lots of cool stories as well from when he was a merc in Africa. One thing I found interesting is when setting triggers and trip wires for soldiers who grew up in cities it works lots better if you put the trigger right out in the open where they can see it.

The only thing you usually need that you can't make is steel wire. I always pack snare wire because it is good for so many other things as well.

I am definitely getting Ragnars other book called "survival Poaching".

"if you want to be a hero you have to learn to drive stick"! Sara Conner