SOG sponsored the World Sniping Championships held in Hungary a month or so ago and one stage had a 25 yard shot with some of their throwing knives anchored in were to aim at the edge and try to split the bullet with hay bales and targets either side. With jacketed FMJ's or SMK's or VLD rifle bullets I thought this test was stupid....very much a case of uncontrolled richocets....Annie Oakley did this type of thing with soft core lead bullets in large calibre carbines or pistols....even then I see no merit in this...shoot a matchstick and it is as good a test of your aim.

Shooting the side of the blade is plain simple dangerous...the richochet can come straight back at you....I even think there is a U tube post about a guy testing a .50 cal against armour....had a 709 grain bullet come back and just missed his ear....when the SAS worked with Prof Hatton to design a door breaching shotgun round ( the Hatton Round )to blow the hinges off doors and then disperse harmlessley (plastic slug turns to powder on impact) ....this was because of the high risk of richocet trouble firing 9mm ball or HP ammo at locks/hinges/metal surfaces....a good way to blow your balls off with the richocet coming back at groin level....personally I would give this type of thing a miss. You could end up doing a lot more damage than you expect......

JYD #75