
The rust preventor I use is Vasaline Petrolium Jelly.....I am sure you should be able to get this in the States....it is non toxic and spread fairly thickly stops the air getting to the blade to create rust. All knives can be used without a wipe off if need be and no dodgy stomaches like mineral oil can create. It is good for a load of other uses to....heat rash...chapped lips...sore eyes....blister hot spots....great for a First Aid kit.

Great collection as well!

Lately, after I reprofile an edge for somebody, I coat the edge with Vaseline before shipping. It provides a good barrier against moisture, and as you say, it is non-toxic as well. Last year when a bunch of bug bites on my arms became infected, my doctor told me to clean them with hydogen peroxide and coat them with vaseline. That actually worked much better than the expensive anti-biotic ointment I had been using, and they healed right up. Good stuff.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.