oh no,now i have color options.

i want satin & tan but only need one.hell,when it comes to sharpened steel i dont really NEED anything.

i think this blows the S7 out of the water completely.i wasnt looking forward to the S7 at all but am totally in love with this design.

everyone swore up and down that they knew the S7 was next and dan really through the yard for a loop.good job dan.

this knife is sure to be a scrapyard and busse kin legend to be revered.the SFNO and any other 7in blade about to rear its head in the near future is gonna have its work cut out for it.

absolute grand slam with the knife itself,then you add 3 color scheme selections and this is legendary.

I tend to think you are right. These blades are destined to be legends. I appreciate the kind words...Thanks
