and i think the kukri is a joke. sorry guys, its about as useful as [censored] on a boar to many knife users. would it be cool? oh yes! however, SY is broadening its base many new dogs are coming in and the uses a kukri is good for arent a practical as say a SOD or S6 a SS4, etc...

Whoa! Slow down there. What makes you think a khukuri is useless?

There's a ton of history behind the khukuri, and why it's designed that way. As a fighting knife, that recurve can do some nasty things, which is why it's been used in so many wars. Some cultures out there rely on it as much as a machete in the jungle for general purpose and agriculture use.

Khukuri in the kitchen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DHGlhFJH0g

Res-c handles + SR-77 would make an awesome khukuri. It'd give the DogFather a run for it's money in terms of chopping ability.

I hope Dan agrees. The cool factor is there, but its not practical IMO.

Practical? I don't think people buy thick scrapyard knives to be practical. Buy a Mora or a prybar instead! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> A lot of us are here aren't here because we're practical. I could take a small tree down faster with a saw, but I'd rather use a knife. And if SY wanted to broaden its base, a khukuri would bring in a ton of new customers.

JYD #56 Scrap Yard Sword Club #00