I've been sticking to my plan to save up for Knob Creek pretty well this month. However, even though I don't care for the look of the SFNO handle, I started looking at NMSFNO posts and couldn't find anyone who didn't like them. On top of that, there was talk of the gray ones being "very rare and very cool"... Next thing I knew I'd ordered two.

Well, so much for saving for KC...at least you got two nice blades.

I'm trying to save for Blade 09' myself..

With the recession and all, do you suppose Blade will be affected? Just wondering. It's not like most folks actually need all these knives.

I sure hope not. This will be my first trip to Blade and I'm driving down from PA to attend, and force Jerry to HOG-ify me...lol

I am aiming to take around 3 grand of disposable mula with. 350 for the room at the waverly, 200 for food and ish. The rest will go for Bussekin. I'm freaking excited.

Oh, BTW, $3,000 is a lot to me..

Last edited by P-Easy; 02/26/09 01:27 AM.

Enjoy every sandwich.