Depends on the situation. That is why I have more than one knife, rifle, shotgun, and pistol.
If I was forced to only go with one battery for all around it would be:
Rifle=====CAR15 (decent carbine, easy to carry, easy to conceal--even break down and carry in a back pack, decent rd for shoot and scoot, I have dropped deer and hogs with it--shot placement, I have a .22lr conversion for small game, spare parts, pretty available ammo and parts abound).
Pistol-----Glock 19 (reliable, accurate, easy to conceal, lt wt, ammo pretty easy to find, conversion kit in .22lr, parts are pretty available but rarely needed).
Belt blade----SOD LE (can chop, dice, tool, weapon, etc. Tough as nails, can put an edge and reprofile if need be--besides I will have an folder with me too).
Folder------Probably a bM balisong because I have had one with me for ever and even used one to field dress game.
Women Folk-----Red, brunette, black, blond, they are all good for me as long as they don't complain and like to cook <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
What Glock .22 conversion do you have? Been thinking about getting one. I have one for my Sig 226.
Advantage Arms
Thanks, been kinda lookin for one of those.
Be prepared.......It is more than a motto it is a way of life.
JYD #41, "MesserHund"