Thanks for putting this all together for us. To me, I can't help but wonder though if the handle material results are a little misleading. By that I mean, under "natural" we have just about every slab type material, vs. two separate types of res-c. I wonder if we "leveled the playing field" a little and either made separate categories for the various slabs, OR didn't differentiate between the two types of res-c what the results would have been. My guess is that overall, res-c would far outweigh slabs, as such is the case if you add "old" and mudders together....hope that made sense.

Also, what seems to jump out to me is how closely favored INFI and SR101 are. They both seem to take 1st or 2nd for just about every option (with INFI at 3rd for EDC and SR101 at 3rd for choppers).