Although I am not American, but am a PROUD Canadian, I'll take a moment and give thanks to the warriors that stood for freedom, from all our allied countries. Today is a special day in the US and for that I will give a special thanks to my American brethren.
May we stay friends forever.
I had an uncle that was very close to me that served in WWII and I remember once on Remembrance day (November 11th) what he hoped most for.
His reply suprised me. He said he hoped that in the not too distant future the last vet would pass on.
When I asked him what he meant he said "that would mean that there would be at least one generation that grew up not knowing war. At that time all the sacrifices of our fallen soldiers would finally mean all that they hoped it would mean."

I won't live to see that day but perhaps my grandchildren might.

I agree, I salute and honor all those that have fought and continue to fight for freedom
