what was it price/quality/speed - pick two?

sorry getting kinda hyped out for the regulator....

If we are talking about the regulator....to me, it is so close to the SOD... I know it is a different design...and especially with the new mods, I can not believe the SOD falls behind it in any appreciable way...maybe excells it. I am starting to lose track because it has been so long, but hasn't there only been the muk, the S5 in two varriations since the release of the SOD? Two seven and a half inch blades with somewhat similar design in three knife runs? I don't care much for the grip/guard design much either.

I might have been in for the Reg had there not been such and enormous lag time, and with the unmodified super thick blade.... At least it was unusual.

I am sure the quality will be extraordinary...it is more the design that keeps me from being interested.

I know we get the scraps Bruce...but I can hope for change can't I? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Agent Iron; 02/13/10 01:49 PM.