It's pretty standard. BF has a rule against deal spotting, too. This FREE forum is supported only by Dan at Scrap Yard Knife Company. As you may have noticed, there is no advertising of any kind here. Dan allows comparisons of other knives with Scrap Yard Knives and discussion about other Busse-made knives. He even allowed a thread about folding knives. He allows reviews of other outdoor equipment on this forum all the time. Just no deal spotting. We all get excited when we find a bargain on something and want to share it with our friends. We just don't want the forum to degenerate into a bunch of non-SYKCO related bargains posted for free here. The Outdoor and Fieldcraft Forum is not the Outdoor Gear Bargain Announcement Forum. Go ahead and show your latest Maxpedition kit all set up. We like that. Just no deal spotting, guys.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.