I don't think that the pack you linked to will serve your intended purposes well. 1600 cu in. is not enough room if you plan on camping with it. It would be fine for a good day hike but I don't think it will serve you well for any overnighters.

You want something that holds more and would be more comfortable, definitely belt strap and good suspension system. The LL Bean Bigelow has gotten some rave reviews from backpacker magazine, its definitely the right price ($69), its got pleney of room and its way comfy, I've used it before.

I second going to REI and seeing what they have to say. They carry some top of the line packs at a good price if you go with their line of gear. I have an REI Lookout pack that I love, got it for $90 and its got plenty of room. I recommend no less than 2200 cu. in. for what it sounds like you want to do. I wrote a review of the pack at the following link:

By the way, if you want good reviews and specific information on any gear but especially packs go to I have found it to be a very helpful website.

Last edited by TradBowBoy; 04/09/07 03:09 PM.

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