I will throw the golite series of packs into the mix. Most people tend to buy a pack too heavy and too large. 4500 cubic inches is great for an expedition, but not really necessary in general. Whatever you pick you have to carry it from A to B. Yes heavier is generally more durable, but if you take care of your gear, don't slide down mountains on top of it, and inspect it prior to each use, lighter gear will hold up. Your back will thank you.

Just when i thought this topic died.

Thanks for the tip. Im still having trouble saving money up i want too much stuff. I still havent bought my pack yet but will sometime soon.

Please if u still have more info or suggestions please keep posting them.

Thanks every1.

Junk Yard Dog #38

[P]ositive [E]nergy [A]lways [C]orrects [E]rrors