Does anyone know how long the Trioxane Solid Fuel Tablets burn? The wet tinders are supposed to burn for 12 minutes. I used you link Myke and then went on to the water bottle carrier with additional pouch then the volcano stove and one thing led to another.

Triox burns like crazy, and will stay lit when getting rained on. If it gets dunked, I don't expect if will stay lit, but should hold up under a decent flow, as long as it gets oxygen. A full mil-spec pouchful will burn on it's own for more than an hour, and you'll likely only need a teeny corner to start a fire. It will eventually evap out, but if you store the leftovers in a sealed container, it'll stay effective indefinitely. I love the stuff, need to track down some more.

"Teaching is not showing others new things, but reminding them that they know as well as you."

JYD #118