This Ganza was a major disappointment for me. I was online, had all the windows open, had my email ready to hit send for one of each. The windows were refreshing really fast and I figured I had it in the bag. The only problem was I didn't figure the GO would be a sticky and I had inadvertently scrolled down the BF Busse forum where the top sticky wasn't visible. So I sat there refreshing all my windows up until 9:55 thinking that maybe Jerry was waiting till the end. So when my clock hit 9:55 I sent my email. Boy do I feel dumb.

Man I really wanted one of those regs.
I want[ed]a green reg too & would have tried the ganzaa thing if I was home in time.
They should show up on the EX in a few weeks & depending on the markup I might snag one.
They shouldn't sell for more than a Benjamin imo
& they'd be worth it imo.
The green sure is purdy.

It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it.