Hi gang, well looks like winter is here or close to it and I made a list of things I needed to do to prepare the families homes for the storms. These were for four families so different things were needed at each one. I thought I would post it for you.

We had to winterize the windows with the 3m plastic film. The cold air coming in with the strong winds really chills the house.

We had to cover the central air conditioner and use extra bungee cords to secure it.

We covered up the patio furniture and tarped it up leaving about a foot around the edges on the ground to prevent snow from blowing in. We then placed patio bricks around the edges to keep them taunt.

We started stocking up on water just because when there is a foot of snow on the ground carrying heavy, bulky things is a pain.

We got the salt both for the general use and the special pet friendly salt for the back areas.

The shovels are in place by the back and front doors.

Check out the snow throwers if you have them. Are they working, you ran it dry or put a full tank and stabilizer in it last season right?

Do you have fuel for it and is it stored safely.

Do you have the 2 or 4 cycle oil that I always forget to have on hand until the first big storm hits?

Other thoughts.

Its probably a good idea to have a flashlight in every room and a couple of larger camping lanterns that use batteries. We had a lot of power outages last winter and over the summer.

A storm radio with alerts is nice to have.

A source of heat, such as a safe kerosene heater for emergencies is not a bad idea. Last year my aunts house had no natural gas for a week due to a line break.

Food, back up twice what you think you will need!!

If you are injured or incapable of shoveling now would be a good time to make arrangements for the coming snow season. Either a service or a neighbor.

It’s a little late but having your heater checked out is not a bad idea, maybe get the vents cleaned as well.

How are the wipers on your cars?
Are the tires in good shape? Especially with all the new knives coming out and the holidays a lot of people put off car repairs or maintance but winter time is not the time to scrimp.

Check the fluids now instead of when there is four inches of snow around you.
Oil, radiator, brake, power steering, etc.

Do you have emergency supplies in your car?
Blankets, flashlite, heat source, spare clothes, spare winter jacket and boots in case you have to walk, (a lot of people especially those with remote starts leave for work only in their office appareal which would not keep you warm if you had to walk or take public transportatin.,) long handle shovel, flares, jumper cables, snacks, etc.

Do you keep a get home bag or every day carry bag with you. A space blanket, water and snacks cound make a big difference if you are stuck at work or on a bus or train. Look at Chicago last year on Lake Shore Drive. Those people were stuck for a while and a few in vehicles that ran out of fuel, ie no heat.

Thanks for looking, there is more but just thought maybe this would be of some use to get the ball rolling, snow ball that is!
Take care.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Knife pic to keep things interesting!!
[Linked Image from i1110.photobucket.com]

Last edited by Sar5; 11/13/11 12:51 AM.

Tue May 03 2011 0457 am Posts 493153 & 493154 Doc and I became.... JYD Brothers of the Clock!