Let the Posting begin.

Blue Heron
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

I don't know what kind of duck this is, but I swear the things fold in the middle and sink straight down. They don't dive.
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Deer along the Boardwalk
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

OK, there's a reason for this. It was on the fender of the truck. She used a 18-250mm lens and took it at almost full zoom. Oh she was about a foot away.
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Looking for lunch
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Diving down
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Swooping in
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Enjoying the snack
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Gotta get it all
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

You didn't see that did you
[Linked Image from farm9.staticflickr.com]

Sunshine through a leaf

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog