I just want to post that I think we have been looking at the wrong thing in the picture to find actuall size. I know what the title of the picture says and I know the coin is 2 inches. how about we all guess what bullet is in that picture and measure one. it runs right along the spine and isn't offset like the coin. is it a 308 or what? figure that out and we know the specs I think
I had already thought of this, just didn't really care too much to actually do the math.
We know from the title it's around 13", that was close enough for me.
But, here goes my analytical problem solving skills at work.......
The cartridge that's laying along the spine looks a lot like a .308 to me.
The overall length of the .308 is 2.8".
You can fit roughly 4 and 2/3 of the pictured catridges laid end to end from handle to tip.
Go ahead and double check that measurement guys....
In conclusion, my estimates are that the blade is just over 13". This jives with the title of the picture Dan posted which had 1311 in it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />