Huh, well it's the end of my little saga. I have no idea when I ordered compared with to anyone else. I am pretty sure it was the first day.

I received a payment request about a week and a half ago. I attempted to pay via PayPal amd sent a reply saying the payment was sent. I received nothing back. About three or four days later I got a bounce back notice stating scrapyard was too busy. I emailed again and didn't get a reply. I then waited another week, hoping for a shipping notification or better yet, a knife. Nothing showed up.

After this second waiting period I emailed again about my order. Turns out something went wrong with PayPal, likely my fault (stupid headaches). I recent my payment and this time did get an email saying it was received. I was also told my order was sent downto shipping and i will receive notification when it ships. This was last week. Still no notification...

today i stayed late at work three hours, which stinks when you don't get paid for it. I got home to find a small package in the mailbox. It was my kershaw 1315vib onion centofante. Its a knife I have wanted for a long time. I got inside and my 3yr old tells me that there is a surprise for me. I figure it's the kershaw, nope, boy's hair cut? Nope. Some other form of 3yr old imaginative artwork? Nope. A big box from scrapyard! Yeah!

Getting my Zombie kit ready and watching out for those Corpse Men!!!