I sent several letters to each of my Senators so far.

Today I called them.

I was told the Dem. (Casey, PA) was considering voting yes on an AWB and magazine ban. I was disappointed by this since he apparently is rated pretty high by the NRA. I told the staff person that I did not agree and to not vote yes on anything proposed by Senator Feinstein. I gave them the reason that the broad wording and technical inaccuracies in almost everything she has presented so far would be bad for the average law abiding gun owner and won't curb crime at all.

I then did the same for the Repub. (Toomey, PA) and was told that since Feinstein's proposal wasn't presented in full yet that he did not have enough to make a decision on. I was told to consider that he was a long standing supporter of 2A rights though and that my opposition was noted.

I then emailed Casey again with a short summary of my case.

So there you have it folks, at least from one state. I believe an overwhelming amount of phone calls today will help a lot of Senators understand that Feinstein does not have the general well being of the American population in mind.

It is very easy to find their D.C. office numbers right on their web pages and have a little patience and call a few times and you will get to speak with a real person. Be kind and courteous but make sure they know you will not vote for them, ever, if they do not vote directly against anything like this.

"Wroof! Wroof!" - George IV misterdog-muensterdog-monsterhog