Originally Posted by alaus
Are there no more knives made with sr77?
I've moved to a tropical coastal area and since then my sr101 knives are rusting like crazy. My SOD in sr77 is doing just fine. And it's my favourite knife. As soon as I opened the package back a few years ago and held the SOD in my hand I knew, I will never sell it again. It's that cool. grin
I hate oiling my knives after every time I used them so I will gradually replace all my rusting knives with stainless or near stainless ones. Anyway I hope I will be able to buy another sr77 knife from Scrapyard Knives in the future. grin
By the way, what other steel used by other knife companies comes closest to the sr77?

I rarely oil carbon steel blades, I enjoy a nice patina on them
I live in a temperate rainforest and grew up with carbon steel knives

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102