I try. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

[color:"red"][Edited for inappropriate content. Trash.][/color]

Ok…I don’t get it. I post a G or PG comedy pic of a guy fully clothed posing in front of a fountain with the water appearing to be coming from his rear, (only as a joke because it referenced what was being discussed) and my pic is yanked and called “inappropriate” and “trash”, but RF can post a super-imposed pic of a male Busse employee appearing as a cross dressing stripper, and GF can post a pic of inter-species “mating” and you don’t yank their pics? WTF? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Not that I care about them posting their pics, (I thought they were funny like most people) but it seems your being a little unfair with the moderation. I don’t think there was anything inappropriate about my pic. Yes, it was juvenile, but nothing that would be harmful to children to see or anything like that. You can certainly see and hear much worse on standard tv. There was no nudity, language, or anything like that. At most, it could be considered rude or juvenile.

At first I thought maybe you hadn’t seen their posts yet, but it’s been a full day, and their pics are still up, and I see you’ve posted recently so you’ve been on here. My pic sure didn’t stay up that long. I feel like you’re unfairly coming down hard on me, perhaps because of past postings. You asked us to keep the children in mind, which I have. I have not since posted anything that I believe would be inappropriate for children to see. As I was searching through my pics, I passed up several other pics I could have posted because I thought you might think they were inappropriate (PG or PG-13 equivalent) but I don’t think there was anything wrong with the pic I posted.

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel as though I’m being unfairly singled out here? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

JYD #4