OK, I have been going over my knife list and I would Ideally have 4 knives. (Well 6 counting a folder).
The Folder: Either my GTI folder or Umnumzaan. Dwell on this more I must.
SWAMP WARDEN:Probably the skelly one, for a Necker. I chose this over the Cupid/scarpivore because I just feel as if this slightly larger blade is more useful for more varied purposes. I would REALLY like this in INFI and would probably trade my Wardog HACK for one.
MUD PUPPY:I keep forgetting I have this knife and I really like the blade shape/size and the way it feels in my hand. It's probably the best feeling (To me) knife I have. FFG blade 3.5 inches long with full Mudders, just a really good knife.
S5:VERY hard decision. I like the handling of the Mud Mutt, but the S5, which Patty picked out the colors of, has a special place in my heart. I wanted to pick the Wardog for it's ease of maintenance, but in the end the Edge holding ability won out. Now if it was a grab and go EOTWAWKI situation, I WOULD pick the Wardog. but the S5 would be packed away somewhere for JUST IN CASE.
TALI-WHACKER:IF I was going to have a Medium size blade, it would have to be this one. I know, I know, but it's the only blade that size I have that isn't a third of an inch thick or more, Plus I like the way it feels in my hand and TO ME has a better UTILITY style handle. I wish (Yeah I know) I would have gotten the 711.
BUSHWHACKER MISTRESS:Nothing more really needs to be said. Fantastic size for a Chopper and not to heavy, plus it's INFI for ease of maintenance. Even though the 1311 actually (for me) carries lighter and might be a better chopper due to it's extra length, The maintenance issue won out.