I was issued about 15K worth of deployment gear. I have no idea how accurate that number is. Just taking a stab in the dark.
Full set of IMTV (improved modular tactical vest) and yes it is much improved. With the latest X-SAPI plates.
A complete set of
FILBE (Family of Improved Load Bearing Equipment) and this is definitely an improvement from my last issue, especially the main pack.
An M50 Gas mask which is also an improvement (at least comfort wise) over the M40.
Many other odds and ends, most notable ... a poncho liner with a zipper!!! I love my poncho liner even more now that it can act as a summer time sleeping bag. I love my woobie!
Last week I received my M4 with ACOG. I am anxious to fire it. Last time I was issued a weapon, I was of lower rank and got the M16A4. So, this will be the first time firing this service rifle.