I am one sad squirrel. Feels like Jerry and Dan created a community here, and then yanked the rug out from under us

I know everyone has different seasons in their lives. But it wouldn't take that much to keep the Yard going. Not everyone can afford Busse Combat blades--especially at current prices. Seeing the Swamp disappear made me sad. Watching this place slowly die is also a real shame.
Jerry and Dan did a LOT of work to get their blades out there. They established a SOLID brand. They built a reputation of getting quality blades at different price points so everyone could afford a high-quality blade. They developed one of the most rabidly loyal customer bases I've ever seen. Why let it die?
They have by now trained up numerous blade smiths. They built a great supply chain. If Jerry and Dan want to move on, or into other endeavors, I completely understand. They have done solid work and deserve to do whatever they want at this point.
It just seems a shame to do this to customers that have stood by the company through thick and thin. Almost feels like a slap in the face. Pretty much all of my fixed blade knife budget for more than a decade has been spent on these knives. Lots of people have spent far more for far longer supporting this brand and company.
I don't want Jerry or Dan to keep doing something they don't want to, but why let the company--one of the best knife companies ever--slowly fade into obscurity and oblivion? Why not train up replacements?
I have to believe that the people working there like making knives. Seems like they have people who'd be willing to take this on. Remember Eric at the Swamp? I don't know the whole story and don't want to, but if there are people willing to help and wanting to keep building the company up and manage customer relations, why not let them?
If and when Jerry and Dan want to retire, hopefully they'd stay on as creative advisors and guarantors of Busse quality. But why alienate the hundreds or thousands of dedicated customers?
Do they, understand the magnitude of what they created here? It really has been something special. I have never come across anything else remotely close to this place.
The community here has buoyed me up over countless challenges. We came for the knives. We stayed for the people, united by our love of steel, outdoors, community, friendship, the company of good people, and the connection we've found with each other. This was more than a company. The owners would chat with us. They connected with us. It became a home.
I had to stop buying knives regularly--kids growing up need funding, knife pricess rising beyond that which I could afford, etc--but I still came here. I still introduced friends to these knives and encouraged them to own them.
Then things stopped. Knives stopped. Company employees and owners stopped dropping by. Communication stopped. And so, many of us simply stopped coming here so often too. It's hard to remain loyal if you are neglected

Not my company, but I tend to think that was a mistake. The Yard succeeded because of that loyalty. That loyalty existed because we felt connected to the company in a personal way. Remove that, and we go from loyal community to a transactional business. Raise the prices too much, and without the personal loyalty that might have swayed people to buy these knives sales suffer. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the Yard is still going great guns. Maybe Busse is making up for lost sales from the Yard and Swamp with increased sales of Busse Combat. I don't know. If it is, fantastic. If this was just the unprofitable stepchild, I can understand. If its a business decision, OK. The wheels of capitalism keep rolling and making this country great. I'll get over it.
I do know I miss the Yard and the Swamp. I think we COULD return to the community we had, but it would take commitment. I know Dan has A LOT going on. Put someone over the day-to-day. Someone with the authority to make decisions. Someone we know 1) is in charge; 2) cares; 3) will talk with us regularly. We need to know what's going on. We need reasons to be excited, and draw people here on a regular basis. The more people are here, the better this place becomes.
I don't want Dan to leave. I hope he is healthy. I hope he comes here often. I'd love to see him oversee a "relaunch" to build this forum and brand back up. But if that's not on his cards right now, I get it. Maybe designate someone to run this forum and brand in his stead, or under his supervision.
It seems a shame to let what's happening to the company happen to the company...
That's one squirrel's opinion anyway...