Ok, RN asked for more info when I mentioned something about a Mini Trash1 (Henceforth called the DPS, or Dog Pound Special

) Then I said:
OK, you asked so here ya go. Us Mods are here to serve YOU.
In an earlier post I said:
I think that a MINI TRASH with a 4.25 inch blade and maybe 50-60% the height of the TRASH1 and a thickness of 5/32 (.1562) inch and a Full Flat Grind. Most of the folks that have an ASH/TRASH and use it know how truly handy that blade shape can be. Just imagine how much handier something like this would be. And once again with the Basic handle. I WOULD buy at least two of these very handy I think blades. How say you Dawgs.
Heck, even 70 percent of the blade height wouldn't be out of line perhaps.
Now note I specified just a bit over 1/8 inch but less than 3/16. To me the ASH/TRASH blades are nothing more than are slightly dropped spear points that have only been sharpened on one side. Yes I think they have a bit more "Belly" thereby making them well suited to a multitude of bush craft or Outdoor functions. If you look at the blade profile in the Scrapyard Knife Specs thread you will see what I mean.
It has a rather long section of straight edge for any tasks that might require an edge of that type, like splitting wood and carving. It also has a rather for the size at least, a substantial "Belly" allowing it to work quite well as a skinning or filleting blade. THIS is why I specified a blade of I THINK it comes out to 5/32 inch, in between 1/8 and 3/16. It would be a SYKCO bush craft blade for pretty well all things out doors. Be being such a "Tall" blade you could pinch it between your thumb and index finger and allow the rest of the blade/handle to run along your wrist to the forearm for, once again skinning and filleting or any other task that needs to be held in that manner.
These two knives, IF I was rich I WOULD have built by someone. I would much prefer it were Dan doing the manufacturing.
ETA. P.S. or what ever. PLEASE Dan, get rid of that square choil! Now the choil on the Muppy is fantastic. It actually helps to hold your finger against the handle. THAT is a great feature.