Ive had a few pals move down under and never return. The goon sacks were all the convincing they needed after grad.. some came home some i still havnt heard from almost over 15 years later. The thoght of all the small things that want to kill you in the outback freaks me out the most.. then the big predators come to mind. Im pretty content in my pnw forrests and deserts lol. We have lots of cougars and bears in the mountain ..and rattlesnakes and spiders in the desert (wich i rarely go) and thats IT lol. I much prefer the big animals i can see and hear haha
There's no secret for surviving in our bush, all you need to do is watch where your walking. My wife was bitten by a red belly black (luckily on the side of her boot) and that was because she doesn't watch where shde walks.
Same in the northern beaches, ya got to tread on them to get bitten. And never fish from the river banks, always stand back a bit, Those saltwater crocodiles tend to sneak up if you are close enough.