Got the Scorpion EVO 3 sighted in on Monday. I used a bullet “bore sight” to give me a starting point at about 12 yards in the house. Once we got there (Patty went with me) we watched the eclipse. Then I got it sighted in. Wasn’t trying too awful hard for accuracy but I am well satisfied with about 3-3.5 inch group at 25 yards. Long as I can put rounds into a 6 inch circle with not trying for sniper accuracy, I’ll be happy. I’ll try it again (maybe Friday) at 50 just for grins and giggles.
Now the AR, I only got MAYBE 15 rounds on an 8.5x11 paper at 25 yards out of 60 rounds!

I couldn’t ever figure out whether I was to high or low. To far right or left.
Today my bullet bore sight for the 5.56 came in, and once again at about 12 yards I got the scope lined up with the green dot. At least now I will HOPEFULLY be on paper and then I can move on to 50 and then 100 yards (the longest distance they have). It’s really not a bad range. 4 stations at each of 25, 50, and 100 yards. PLUS, THE conservation sprang for real concrete shooting benches with cutouts for right or left hand shooters. And they also have concrete seats that swivel to either side. Not a bad little setup.