Today was a Really good day. Post office still says they will be delivering the goods for Miss Piggy tomorrow. Once again, We will see. I mean we ARE talking about the post office.
But on a happier note, this:
Made it to the range today with my DTS and Miss Piggy. And yes, they are both in 300blk.
First up, the DTS. It’s a 16inch stainless steel barreled 300blk a friend built and then gave me for my birthday. To say I was surprised would be a large understatement.
It has a softer “push”, or recoil impulse than my 5.56 AR’s. It also wasn’t as loud (yes I had on over the ear muffs on). It was a real pleasure to shoot.
I had previously used a bullet type bore sight and did my best at home (could only get about 15 yards). Anyway, my first shot was dead center windage wise but about 6 inches high (all shots at 25 yards). I adjusted and shot #2 about halved that distance. Shots 3 and 4 were in the 2 inch bullseye! Two more for verification and I called it good.
Later on when I decide if I’m gonna go with 110gr Vmax or 125gr I’ll make another visit to the range and get serious at 50 and 100yards (farthest the range goes to). But I feel 100, MAYBE 125 yards will be the max for me. This will be my Deer gun if I actually go. PLUS it will be to augment Miss Piggy at those longer distances.
OK, my girl MISS PIGGY. And NO, I don’t truly know why, but it fits. I mean she is short (8.5in barrel) kinda heavy for her size, and once you get her in attack mode, well everybody has seen Miss Piggy when she gets riled up.
Any way, same situation. Boresight at home, 25yards, first shot about 8 inches high and to the right about an inch. Dialed the sight down and to the left, and the second shot was just outside the bullseye and off to the right still, but the elevation was spot on. Made another adjustment and got outside the Bull by about a half inch. One more time and I was tearin out the center off the bull with the next 5 shots.
Then, Just for grins and giggles I did a “modified” bill drill. It is supposed to be 6 shots center of mass as quick as possible. Garand thumb does it all day long and always remains well below the 2 second mark from go.
At 7 yards I did 3 shots in about 3-4 seconds, and the same at about 12 yards. I DID stay on the target for all shots, but no way I’d call it a group. All I did was try and center “ the horseshoe of death” on the torso target and fire. First time I’ve ever tried it and I’m kinda happy for my first time.
Again, all this was just because I had never shot these guns before, and indeed never shot 300blk before. Now that I know I will be hitting paper and NOT burning up 67 cents with each round I miss, I will as said above get serious with my “duty” rounds once I figure exactly what that will be.
BUT one thing IS clear, I will be going with Hornady 190gr or AAC (PSA) 220 subsonic for when I finally get her a suppressor. HOPEFULLY I will be able to buy one this month or the next, then I wait for the extortion tax to get approved. Then the REAL fun begins, a day at the range with NO ear protection required.