The most amazing thing to me about the few earthquakes I have been in was the "rolling" ground. In high school ('01 or '02) I tried to go under the desk (thoes things only fit tiny people underneath) as the teacher instructed and while on the ground I could see rolling waves on the floor(it was a tile on cement floor and I saw it flex like there is no tomarrow but it did not crack or break.
JYD #25
Clinging to my Guns, Religion, and Scrapyards.
Earthquakes are actually very interesting and fun to experience, but you have to remind yourself that it could suddenly get damaging, and remind yorself to take it seriously.
Nice work. I was never fast enough to do much before they were over. Northridge was a bit different but I was far enough south that it was not as big a deal as it was for folks in LA.