what time Zone am I in? eastern right? so I have to wait until 4-5 pm right? it's 3:25 now... I want to make sure I know thew right time. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
yeah, face. that sounds about right. although there are some say that NJ is an entire other time and place, so you never know... just make sure you have a nice cup of cocoa or something while you wait.
I wasn't able to score a DF, so maybe if my wife keeps her head turned long enough I will be able to pick up one of these bad boys. Twill be my first SY knife... hopefully not my last.
I didn't score a DF either. idk what I will think of the mutt when it gets here, I have YKCG and if they're really similar I might possibly sell it and save the money for the next release.