As some of you may know I am a avid hunter and outdoors man.
I have been wanting to get these pictures up since I took them but they were on my dads camera.
My family hunts on about 1000 acres in southern ohio, all of them are hunters.
Real fun time.
This was a time when my hook was cherry, my hair was long, and gas was only $3.10 a gallon.
here is soma people at the camp(some, lots more)
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Cousin David, Uncle Jim, Uncle Mike, Harry(family friend and exWWII paratrooper), Uncle Bob
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Me and my cousin David, hes like a brother
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.50 fire power
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My dad, probly askin me something
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grandpa, 75 or something and he can still kick you butt
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the countryside
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Ok finally some hook use.
People kept asking to borrow my hook, of the 5 deer shot it had a hand in dressing out 4 of them(all deer were dressed out by me or uncle Joe because we are most skilled in the task)
here it prepares diner
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ok it gets graphic from here, anyone that is a peta activist or has a weak stomach look away
no pictures of me gutting one because, well I was gutting it
my dad came out after I skined it so no pictures of that eather
my back
Me and Joe working and concentrating, you can also see PD to the far left hes a really tough guy and good fighter
believe it or not he has quite a few degrees and is a millionaire
my hair pushed to the sides, looks like I'm enjoying that alittle to much
Joe was more serious
crazy face
You cannot truely apreciate res-c until blood is on your hands.
I will give the s7 or ash the same workout.
Knowing how to get your own food from the wild is good skill to have.
One deer will provide you with food for a month and bone to make tools out of.
I knoe some of my fellow teens are interested in survival, get out and hunt.
Gutting and dressing an animal isnt as easy as it looks.