KnifeGuy, excellent posts! Very imformative and thorough, thanks again.
Thanks and your welcome. I don't know if I helped or not, but I try. - It sounds like I created confusion. Sorry if this is the case. But, I better to think it through, than make a hasty purchase on certain things. Especially if about to plunk down a lot on an inflated secondary purchase. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />
The plan now I guess-I'm so confused- is to wait for a release of another CGFBM or DF/DFLE.
Sorry I can't help much. I am honestly not a big "Chopper" kind of guy.
95%+ of my knife carry/use is actually a folder. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />
But, about 95% of my knife collection is fixed blades. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loopy.gif" alt="" />
If camping, hiking or out in the woods, I like fixed blades, but then about 75% - 85% or so of my knife use is with a 4.0" ( 3.5" - 4.5") blade or so.
I still like having a larger knife, but I don't like carrying around a large chopper.
Honestly, while the NMSFNO and FSH are options, they are really pushing my limits for size/weight.
The Camp Tramp and SARSquatch are really about as large as I like to go.
My modified SJTAC is another common companion with my smaller knives. It is not a great chopper IMO. But, again, I don't chop much and the SJTAC is a great all-arounder mid-size in my book.
Then again as was pointed out I could just grab a decent machete for 30 bucks.
Many probably still cringe at the thought of a machete competing with big Busse choppers. But, while not exactly the same, they really can do a lot of work for cheap. Talk about Bang For the Buck! I assume Vic and I don't do comparison chop offs between machetes vs. big Busse and kin choppers as it tends to undermine the value of Busse and kin choppers. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Still.... machetes are a different type of tool. So, not exactly apples to apples.... although they often weigh pretty close to the same if comparing carry value.
Waiting for those to be re-released is a BIG PRAYER item. While possible, I wouldn't hold my breath too much. Although, eventually, I am sure Jerry will release more "comparable" knives of some sort or another. 10" +/- choppers will always be in demand. So, while he might not duplicate, he will likely release something similar - better or worse is unknown???? and how long till a comparable release is also unknown.... could be 2-6 years (?????) Many factors could create the possibility of never. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Other things to consider:
Knob Creek and Blade. If you can't make it, see if you can arrange a proxy to scout for a particular blade you are interested in. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
But alas, I don't have a single Busse at this point. Just Rats and Dogs for this guy.
I don't know what to recommend about filling your Busse niche/fix. Everybody has different opinions.
For me, I actually like INFI in the mid-sized knives like the Skinny ASH1, SJTAC, HR, SARSquatch, FSH and NMSFNO. These size knives benefit quite a bit from both the toughness and edge qualities of INFI.
For choppers, INFI just gets too expensive and the return in value just isn't justified for me. The DFLE is ultra tough and edge qualities are plenty good for a chopper as I don't need my choppers to maintain an edge the same as smaller knives.
I am sure I have mentioned, but I still like SR-101 in most sized knives as the edge qualities are VERY good and toughness is pretty much all I need and since I still haven't really seen any SR-101 blade broken, I would argue that SR-101 is really plenty tough for most anyone. Plus, at a much better price point than INFI.
So maybe a NMSFNO would be a good companion to the DF/FBM if I can ever find a deal on one.
Hmmmm.... I have a hard time veiwing the NMSFNO as a "companion" knife to the DF or FBM. It fills a niche in my collection. But, in the field, I would never carry both. The NMSFNO is a BIG knife in my book. It is not quite as large as a DFLE or FBM, but still large. The NMSFNO is larger than a Ratweiler/Chopweiler, Camp Tramp/SOD or similar.
.= 21.5 ounces; .25 thick; 8.1875 blade; 14.0 oal
FSH (full flat grind)..= 22.0 ounces; .27 thick; 8.1875 blade; 14.4 oal
Camp Tramp............= 14.5 ounces; .236" thick; 7.325" blade; 12.5" oal
Ratweiler (orig.)
. = 20.1 ounces; .25 thick; 7.5 blade; 13 oal
Chopweiler - Micarta = 19.1 ounces; .25 thick; 7.5625 blade; 13.1875 oal
Chopweiler G10
.. = 20.5 ounces; .25 thick; 7.5625 blade; 13.1875 oal
Dog Father
.. = 20.1 ounces; .275 thick; 10 blade; 15.125 oal
Dog Father LE
.. = 17.0 ounces; .250 thick; 10.0625 blade; 15.125 oal
Battle Rat
. = 16.5 ounces; .250 thick; 9.375 blade; 14.4375 oal
= 27.1 ounces
The FBMCG is clearly the heavy beast among the above knives.
But, the NMSFNO and FSH are both easily heavier than the DFLE, DF or Battle Rat.
I am pretty convinced both the DFLE and Battle Rat are better choppers than either the NMSFNO or FSH or any smaller blades for that matter. But, it can get hard comparing Res-C knives to micarta knives. The Res-C knives always have some weight savings advantages.
The NMSFNO and FSH are still GREAT mid-sized choppers and both a bit better at all-around duty than most of the larger choppers. So, compromises tend to have to be dealt with. There will NEVER be ONE perfect knife as most of us consider various uses - not ONE use.
If you want a PURE chopper, the DFLE and FBMCG are hard to beat.
But, if you want to carry the knife and have the mentallity of the only worthy knife is the one you have with you. Then the PURE choppers start to have less appeal - for me anyway. And for me, knives like the NMSFNO, FSH, Ratweiler/Chopweiler, Camp Tramp/SOD start to have more value.
It basically comes down to each individuals habits. What do you do out in the woods?
If you hike and backpack a lot, weight becomes a significant issue.
If you park an RV and hang out around a camp-fire without going on significant hikes and like to chop wood a lot, you will likely enjoy a good PURE chopper more and not care about weight as much.
Everybody is different with different habits, needs, etc.
Secondary market prices are usually more than I can bare unless you stumble upon a user or someone looking to trade.
+1 I hate paying more than I feel I should. But, every now and then a reasonable deal will come up. But, you have to be fast and check regularly for those. I used to, but it can be a hassle. Plus, I am sitting pretty well with what I have.
The company store has those NMSFNOs just sitting there tempting me though.
Again, I think the NMSFNO is a REALLY nice knife with lots of all-around potential. And, I think for INFI, $327 for the NMSFNO is a pretty decent value compared to most any other INFI pieces. But, that is my opinion.
Personally, I have to recommend that if you have the means, buy it. I really feel it is one of those knives you appreciate more when you have handled it vs. just looking at pictures.
However, as mentioned above, if you want the BEST chopper and not concerned about weight, carry or versatility in use - just want a chopper. Then the NMSFNO is probably not as good an option as the CGFBM, DFLE or certain other PURE choppers.
But, as with many pieces of INFI, if you don't like it, you can resell it. - As opposed to deciding a few weeks from now that you wished you had picked up an NMSFNO at cost while you could and having to face paying MORE on the secondary market. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/doh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
When a known item like Busse/INFI knives have such a predictable pattern of appreciation, certain pieces that "might" have appeal are better to purchase at cost when you can.
Since the NMSFNO was available for so long at the store, I don't expect it to appreciate quickly. But, inevitably, new people will always be finding out about INFI and I believe the NMSFNO is one that will appreciate well over time.
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