Very nice. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
If I am seeing this and reading it correctly, you appear to have what I consider to be a very good start to some of the MOST worthy Busse and kin options and a good selection covering a "variety" of uses and applications:
Dogfather of some variation (???) - You can try the others, but the Res-C choppers are really hard to beat. I like the talk about a NMFBM type blade with Res-C handle. (INFI or SR-101????) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
NMSFNO - Great all-around large blade. Finish to a TRUE Full convex and satin and AWESOME knife!
ASH1 (?????) - What size? I am personally fond of the Skinny and feel the CG a bit too thick and chunky for my preferences. But, to each their own. In any event, the ASH1 is classicly unique and IMO the skinny ASH1 in particular is quite versatile while being a good size and weight for carry.
SarSquatch - Great mid-sized camp blade or large carry nife - Very versatile and more suited for carry than many of the larger blades (IMO). Just a bit larger than the Skinny ASH1. - Another that would benefit from being a FULL convex. Personally, I wish it didn't have the swedge, but.... still a great knife.
S5 (CG/LE ????) - Awesome blade for most EVERYTHING short of chopping. Awesome "trail", hiking, carry blade. The Mudder handles are ideally suited for about this size a knife IMO. I made a few mods to mine, but personal preferences.
The AK and KZ are both very unique and collectible. They are both a bit "niche" in application. I have handled the KZ. It is a BEAST. As has been discussed, with some edge profiling, there is not much doubt in my mind that it is a POWERFUL chopper. But, quite large and heavy. I can't see personally having much interest in carrying such a massive blade. But, it is "Awesome" to hold in the hand and drool on. Great for watching Zombie movies while fondling. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
I have the Waki. It is cool, but honestly probably more "Fun" and entertaining to own and toy with than practical in the field (IMO). Still capable of SERIOUS damage to whatever you whack with it though. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
I had a Ratchet, but I sold mine (2 actually). Some people like those types of tools, but I didn't find it to suit "my" needs. I think it is too small for any real chopping short of being a compact tool to chop a sternum or pelvic bone for game or similar uses. I don't personally consider it a good skinning or processing tool/blade. I have other options and find other tools much better suited for every task I can think of. To each their own.
My recomendations to add:
Ratmandu - Properly satin finished of course. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> - You don't need this if you have an S5. But, the RMD is a CLASSIC and very nice as well.
SJTAC - A bit smaller and lighter than the SarSquatch. Another convex blade. I think it is better with the ramp removed and again (as always) I prefer satin. This is a good in-between size between the SarSquatch and S5/RMD. Nice and light for carry, yet plenty big for larger chores including batoning, although a bit light-weight for chopping. *** The new "Boss Jack" could VERY well be as good an option!??? But, I have yet to see specs to get a better feel for comparison. I think you have to step up to the Camp Tramp or Regulator at just a little bit more weight and significant more chopping ability compared to the SJTAC.
Since you have the SarSquatch, so you don't "Need" the Camp Tramp and/or a Regulator and I hate to mention the Camp Tramp anymore considering how hard they are to come by, but it is still a classic. That said, I think many might be surprised at the similarities between the Regulator (I have the TT and can only speak for the TT) and Camp Tramp in hand along with actual abilities. They weigh and balance very similar with the main differences related to "Feel" in the hand really mostly being the two different shaped handles. The Regulator seems more of a fighter with its sharp point and the Camp Tramp is more of a classic camp knife. - Or so it might seem..... The Regulator's handle is beefier and fills my hand very well. I think the Regulators handle is a bit more suited for chopping and I think it offers a more secure grip. Whereas the Camp Tramps handle is slimmer, still works great for chopping, but feels a little better for choking up, detail work and such. They are both nice handles.
The Camp Tramp's primary grind is a little more acute even though the Camp Tramp is a saber grind and my TT is full heigh flat grind. The TT Regulator is still more obtuse in the primary grind. I think it is safe to assume the Regular release Regulater with it's saber grind and 0.333" thick spine is even more obtuse than the TT. For chopping, I don't think it will make a huge difference. Neither knife is great for long term chopping, just a bit here and there. The Camp Tramp is probably a bit better at slicing for say food prep around camp and such. I don't really care about "Fighter" abilities, but I think the Regulators tip is obviously better suited for "piercing". But, depending on fighting application or style, I think an arguement could be made that the Camp Tramps edge is better at slashing. So, whatever that is worth.
In the end, both are very well rounded knives. I am still a HUGE fan of the blade shapes on the SJTAC and S5. I would love to see about an 8", full convex grind, SATIN finished (SR-101 or INFI), SJTAC shaped blade on either Res-C handle. I prefer probably 0.20" - 0.22" thick spine or so. I prefer a full steel choil like the Camp Tramps over the Res-C backed choil on the Regulator, but I like the choils closer into the handle than the Camp Tramp originally came (just shorten the guard length to bring it in closer to the handle). Considering the Camp Tramp is so hard to come by and considering how GREAT a deal Dan is offering the Regulator at, I kind of have to recommend it.
Hell Razor - Very versatile and usable, but also classicly uniqe designs. If nothing else, just worth it for the design. Honestly, a bit redundant if you have the Skinny ASH1 as the Skinny ASH1 and Hell Razor are pretty comparable in size and abilities. But, mentioning anyway.
FSH - of some variation (????) - I like the full flat grind - another great all-around large blade. Classic and COOL. But, you don't really need with the NMSFNO.
S5CG………………………….= 6.75 ounces; .185” thick; 5.125” blade; 10.0625” oal
Ratmandu (micarta)....= 10.0 ounces; .189" thick; 5.3125" blade; 10.5" oal
SJTAC….(stripped)…. = 13.0 ounces; .187” thick; 6.375” blade; 11.875” oal
Camp Tramp..................= 14.5 ounces; .236" thick; 7.325" blade; 12.5" oal
Regulator TT (Test Team)= 14.65 ounces; .333” thick; 7.5” blade; 13.0” oal
Hell Razor…………………= 14.75 ounces; .1875” thick; 6.625” blade; 12.75” oal (est.)
Skinny ASH (ASH1)..= 15.25 ounces; .1875” thick; 6.4” blade; 12.0” oal
SARSquatch………… = 17.0 ounces; .1875” thick; 7.0” blade; 12.75” oal
NMSFNO………………….= 21.5 ounces; .25” thick; 8.25” blade; 14.0” oal
FSH (full flat grind)..= 22.0 ounces; .27” thick; 8.1875” blade; 14.4” oal
Dog Father………….. = 20.1 ounces; .275” thick; 10” blade; 15.125” oal
Dog Father LE…….. = 17.0 ounces; .250” thick; 10.0625” blade; 15.125” oal
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
Anyway, you have a GREAT start with some of the Best options IMO. The above should cover a LOT.