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Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins #427112 05/02/10 05:19 AM
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KnifeGuy Offline OP
Junk Yard Dog
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Junk Yard Dog
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Some of you might not have seen. But, there is a new sticky over on the Swamp Rat Sub-forums at Bladeforums with a pretty decent list of Weights and specs for most of the main Swamp Rat Releases along with most of the Scrap Yard main releases and many of the more common Busse releases.

There are a few holes that need filled in the specs mostly in weights and a few in thicknesses.

So, if you have a good digital scale and can provide "Accurate" weights and/or if you have calipers and can provide "accurate" thicknesses, please post on the thread for the missing specs to help fill in.

See: Specs and Weights of Swamp Rat Knives


JYD #39 I prefer "SATIN" blades!!!
Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins [Re: KnifeGuy] #427113 05/02/10 05:33 AM
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Junk Yard Dog
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Just to make it a little easier I copied the list and posted it here. Thanks KNIFE GUY for making us aware of this and for the thread. GOOD info.

Same rules, IF you have accurate measurements, if you want to, just let me know and I can update this list so we won't have info spread out all over the thread.


Rat Trap Folder (S30V) = 4.375 ounces; .1875” thick; 3.9” blade; 9” oal


RIP (Rat Ice Pick)……..... = 2.2 ounces; .1875" thick; 8.0 oal
Rat Shaker……….....…...… = ??? ounces; .25” thick; 2.5” blade; 5.0” oal
Rat Shaker II….…........... = ??? ounces; .25” thick; 2.5” blade; 5.0” oal
Swamp Rat Warden 2007 = 2.2 ounces; .1875" thick; 3.0” blade; 7.0” oal
Swamp Rat Warden 2010 = ??? ounces; ??? " thick; 3.0” blade; 7.0” oal
Rat Tail (without wrap)... = ??? ounces; .1875” thick 3.75” blade; 7.75” oal
Rat Tail (with wrap).........= 3.2 ounces; .1875” thick 3.75” blade; 7.75” oal


Bog Dog (D2).......... = 4.65 ounces; .140" thick ; 4.75" blade; 9.56" oal
Bog Dog (SR-101)…. = 4.9 ounces; ??? slightly thicker; 4.75” blade; 9.56” oal

(SY) SS4................ = 5.4 ounces; .200" thick ; 4.25" blade; 9" oal
(SY) S5CG……………… = 6.75 ounces; .185” thick; 5.125” blade; 10.0625” oal
(SY) S5LE…….………… = 6.6 ounces; .169” thick; 5.125” blade; 10.0625” oal
(SY) Mud Puppy (LE) = 5.0 ounces; .185” thick; 3.25” blade; 8.25” oal
(SY) ScrapMuk……….. = 6.0 ounces; .1875” thick; 4.5” blade; 9.125” oal
(SY) Bird Dog (LE)..… = ??? ounces; .125” thick; 4.5” blade; 9.5” oal
(SY) Wiener Dog ….… = ??? ounces; .125” thick; 3.75” blade; 8.75” oal

Small Res-C handled knives:

Bandicoot…………….....…. = 5.25 ounces; .1875” thick; 4.5” blade; 9.0” oal
Howler (2nd gen-Res-C) = 6.0 ounces; .1875" thick; 4.5" blade; 9" oal

(SY) Yard Keeper LE..... = 7.5 ounces; .268" thick; 4.5" blade; 9" oal
(SY) DMCG.................. = 9.0 ounces; .270" thick; 5.25" blade; 9.75" oal

Small - Medium micarta/G10 handled knives:

Vexillarius (Linen).. = 5.25 ounces; .14” thick; 3.75” blade (from front of choil); 8.25” oal
Rat Hunter………….. = 7.5 ounces; .1875” thick; 4.0” blade; 8.25” oal
Safari Skinner (D2) = 6.7 ounces; .125” thick; 3.75” blade; 8.75” oal
SAR Rat…….……….. = 10.2 ounces; .25” thick; 4.5” blade; 9.5” oal

HCLE 3.5" Regular Release (G10).... = ??? ounces; .170” thick; 3.5” blade; 8.25” oal
HCLE 3.5” blade (2008 SE micarta). = 6.25 ounces; .170” thick; 3.5” blade; 8.25” oal
HCLE 4.0” blade (2008 SE micarta). = 6.5 ounces; .170” thick; 4.0” blade; 8.75” oal
Dog Skinner D2 (black micarta)...... = 7.25 ounces; .150” thick; 4.25” blade; 9.4375” oal
Dog Skinner D2 (two-tone micarta) = 7.5 ounces; .150” thick; 4.25” blade; 9.4375” oal

HRLM (micarta)......... = 9.0 ounces; .190" thick; 4.13" blade; 9.3" oal
Desert Jack (micarta) = 10.0 ounces; .175” thick; 6.0” blade; 11.25” oal
Ratmandu (G10)....... = 11.0 ounces; .189" thick; 5.3125" blade; 10.5" oal
Ratmandu (micarta).. = 10.0 ounces; .189" thick; 5.3125" blade; 10.5" oal

M6........................ = 16.2 ounces; .235" thick; 6" blade; 11.68" oal
Mini Mojo……………….. = ??? ounces; ???” thick; 6.875” blade; 12.625” oal
Mini Uncle Mojo....... = ??? ounces; ???” thick; 6.875” blade; 12.625” oal

Larger Res-C Handled knives:

Camp Tramp......... = 14.4 ounces; .24" thick; 7.325" blade; 12.5" oal

(SY) Scrapper 6 LE = 12.7 ounces; .268" thick; 6.25" blade; 11.44" oal
(SY) Yard Guard.... = 16.0 ounces; .277" thick; 7.25" blade; 12.4" oal
(SY) SODCG.......... = 15.7 ounces; .264" thick; 7.5” blade; 12.5” oal
(SY) SODLE…………. = 13.85 ounces; .25” thick; 7.5” blade; 12.5” oal

Battle Rat……………. = 16.5 ounces; .24” thick; 9.375” blade; 14.4375” oal
Battle Rat (Satin).. = 15.0 ounces; ??? thick; 9.375” blade; 14.4375” oal
Battle Guard......... = ??? ounces; .24" thick; 9.375” blade; 14.4375” oal
Basic 11......... = 16.6 ounces 1/4 tapers to 7/32 9 7/8" inch blade 16 1/4" oal

(SY) Dog Father CG = 20.1 ounces; .275” thick; 10” blade; 15.125” oal
(SY) Dog Father LE = 17.0 ounces; .250” thick; 10.0625” blade; 15.125” oal
(SY) Regulator TT (Test Team - Full Flat).... = 14.65 ounces; .333” thick; 7.5” blade; 13.0” oal
(SY) Regulator MO (Military overrun - Saber) = 15.8 ounces; .333” thick; 7.5” blade; 13.0” oal

Larger micarta/G10 handled knives:

Ratweiler (micarta)..... = 19.8 ounces; .25” thick; 7.5” blade; 13” oal
Chopweiler - (micarta) = 19.1 ounces; .25” thick; 7.5625” blade; 13.1875” oal
Chopweiler – (G10)….. = 20.5 ounces; .25” thick; 7.5625” blade; 13.1875” oal
M9LE (Full Flat - G10) = 19.35 ounces; .23” thick; 9.125” blade; 14.875” oal
M9CG (Saber Grind)... = ??? ounces; ???” thick; 9.125” blade; 14.875” oal
Rat Mastiff (micarta). = 21.7 ounces; .25” thick; 9.75” blade; 15.375” oal
Rat Daddy-LE.………... = 21.8 ounces; .25” thick; 10.5” blade; 16.25” oal
Rat Daddy-CG…….….. = 22.0 ounces; .25” thick; 10.5” blade; 16.25” oal

Hatchets & Axes:

Paul’s Ratchet…………… = 13.0 ounces; .25” thick; 2.9375” blade; 9.25” oal
A2T Ratchet……..……… = 13.0 ounces; .25” thick; 2.9375” blade; 9.25” oal
Crash Rat (SR-77)….… = 29.8 ounces; .25” thick; 3.75”edge; 3.5” spike; 14.25” oal


Rodent Waki (G10)….. = 33 ounces; 0.195” thick; 17.0” blade; 27.625” oal
Rodent Waki (micarta) = 31 ounces; 0.195” thick; 17.0” blade; 27.625” oal
(SY) Scizzy = 29.2 ounces; 0.190" thick; 17 3/8" blade; 27.25 " OAL cord wrapped handle in various colors.


A good source for a much more complete list of "Busse" knife specs can be found at

Just "Some" of the more common Busse knives for comparison:

Assault Shaker............. = 3.0 ounces; .25" thick; 2.5" blade; 5.5" oal
Cultellus…………....…...….. = 3.7 ounces; .125” thick; 3.5” blade; 8.0” oal
Boney Active Duty (BAD) = ??? ounces; .135” thick; 3.5” blade; 7.88” oal
Boss Street…….............. = 8.5 ounces; .22” thick; 4.25” blade; 9.125” oal
HG55.......................... = ??? ounces; .25” thick; 5.5” blade; 10.75” oal
Urban Grudge……........... = 9.35 ounces; 0.243” thick; 5.375” blade; 10.5” oal
SAR4LE...................... = 13.6 ounces; .22” thick; 4.875” blade; 10.75” oal
SAR5…………………..…....... = 10.85 ounces; 0.20” thick; 5.0” blade; 10.0” oal
BA-E……………………………... = 12.5 ounces; .25” thick; 5.0” blade; 10.0” oal
BA-3........................... = ??? ounces; .19" thick; 4.5" blade; 9.75" oal
BATAC-CG……..........…... = 12.5 ounces; .187” thick; 5.0” blade; 10.75” oal
BATAC-LE………..….…...... = 16.3 ounces; .25” thick; 5.00” blade; 10.75” oal
SJ (aka: SHSJ) CG & LE.. = 11.0 ounces; .25" thick; 6.0" blade; 11.25" oal
SJTAC…....................... = 13.25 ounces; .187” thick; 6.375” blade; 11.875” oal
SJTAC-LE..................... = ??? ounces; .22" thick; 6.375” blade; 11.875” oal
Hell Razor………......…...... = 14.75 ounces; .1875” thick; 6.625” blade; 12.75” oal (est.)
SARSquatch (linen)...…... = 17.0 ounces; .1875” thick; 7.0” blade; 12.75” oal
Skinny ASH1 (G10)......... = 15.25 ounces; .1875” thick; 6.4” blade; 12.0” oal
ASH1 – CG………….......….. = 21.1 ounces; .32” thick; 6.4” blade; 12.0” oal
Tankbuster………………...... = 18.25 ounces; 0.25” thick; 6.375” blade; 12.0” oal
NO-E........................... = 17.0 ounces; .25" thick; 6.0" blade; 11.5" oal
SFNO-LE (2009 mags)..... = 18.5 ounces; .22” thick; 7.0” blade, 12.75” oal
NMSFNO (mags)……......… = 21.0 ounces; .25” thick; 8.25” blade; 14.0” oal
SH-SH II...................... = 19.3 ounces; .25" thick; 7.5" blade; 13.5" oal
SH-E........................... = 19.0 ounces; .25" thick; 7.5" blade; 13.5" oal
FSH (Saber grind).......... = 19.0 ounces; .25" thick; 8.0" blade; 14.0" oal
FSH (full flat grind)....... = 22.0 ounces; .27” thick; 8.1875” blade; 14.4” oal
HH (Saber grind)............ = 23.0 ounces; .27” thick; 8.1875” blade; 14.4” oal
SAR-8 SE..................... = ??? ounces; .22" thick; 8.5" blade; 14.5" oal
Bushwacker Mistress CG = 22.4 ounces; .1875” thick; 10.25” blade; 16.25” oal
Bushwacker Mistress LE = ??? ounces; .22" thick; 10.25" blade; 16.25" oal
Basic 11....... = 16.6 ounces 1/4 tapers to 7/32 9 7/8" inch blade 16 1/4 oal FBM CG……………......….. = 27.1 ounces; 0.25” thick; 10.0” blade; 16.0” oal
FBM LE………......….…….. = 30.3 ounces; 0.312” thick; 10.0” blade; 16.0” oal
FFBM………………......……. = 31.4 ounces; 0.32” thick; 10.0” blade; 16.0” oal
NMFBM…………….......….. = 29.5 ounces; .25” thick; 11.3125” blade; 17.5” oal
NMFBMLE................... = 32.8 ounces; .275" thick; 11.3125" blade; 17.5" oal
BM-E........................ = 21.0 ounces; .25" thick; 9.5" blade; 15.0" oal
SHBM....................... = 19.0 ounces; .25" thick; 10.0" blade; 15.5" oal
Killa Zilla……………........ = 36.7 ounces; .260” thick; 12.25” blade; 18.75” oal
Paul's Hatchet........... = 14.0 ounces; .25" thick; 3.0" blade; 9.25" oal

Last edited by Skunk Hunter; 07/09/10 03:49 AM.
Post deleted by Private Klink [Re: SkunkHunter] #427114 05/02/10 12:23 PM

Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins #427115 05/02/10 02:53 PM
Joined: Apr 2010
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stjones Offline
Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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Great info guys. Thank you.

JYD #115
Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins [Re: stjones] #427116 06/16/10 08:29 AM
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Junk Yard Dog
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Just thought I would being this back to the top for the Tonestr.

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Be a Sheepdog
Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins [Re: SkunkHunter] #427117 06/16/10 08:48 AM
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tonester Offline
Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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thanks Skunk, got the info i was looking for!

JYD #114

"Good things come to those who wait for everything to pass." - OTR
Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins [Re: tonester] #427118 07/02/10 09:53 AM
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Junk Yard Dog
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I Added the Scizzy to this thread, but so far only the name. Any got any ACCURATE specs? Any one....

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
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Be a Sheepdog
Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins [Re: SkunkHunter] #427119 07/09/10 03:50 AM
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Junk Yard Dog
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Ok, the Scizzy specs Dan listed have been added to this thread for any that have in enquiring mind!

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Be a Sheepdog
Re: Pitch In - Specs and Weights of Busse and kins [Re: SkunkHunter] #427120 08/01/10 04:21 AM
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Junk Yard Dog
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Lets go back to the top for the New guys!

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

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