I went on a bit of a roller coaster ride this morning.
I had a dentist appointment at 9am that wasn't as bad as I had convinced myself it was gonna be.....until I paid for it. It was a small fortune and I still have to go back at the end of the month to get it finished up.
Then I got home and was catching up with the Yard, Swamp and Busse Forum at Blade Forums and heard shuffling on my front step. Right away I assumed solicitors. I peeked out the peep hole and could see the mail truck at the end of the lawn and thought "NO WAY!!!"
Knock, knock.
I opened the door and sure enough I had a package to sign for.
I signed my name and basically slammed the door in the mail dudes face as I ran to the kitchen table, pulled out my ZT0200 and started slicing my way into my BRAND NEW SCRAP YARD KNIVES!!!!!
They arrived safe and sound in their tacti-cool cardboard sheaths.
I immediately shaved hair off my arm (cause they are THAT sharp) and ran outside to get a pic for y'all.
![[Linked Image from i983.photobucket.com]](http://i983.photobucket.com/albums/ae317/stjones007/knives%20and%20stuff/DSC00330.jpg)
No chopping yet though. I want to stare at their pristineness (that's a new word I think) for a day or two and then I'm gonna beat the snot out of them.
I am totally in love with them both!!
The DF is an absolute BEAST!!!
I BIG thanks out to my proxy for hooking me up!!!
Thank you dog!!!!