So, whoever owns this room, and has the capital to throw at it, and he's running windows? He must not expect to need his computer when the SHTF.
Here's a rundown of what is in that room and approximately how much it might cost... if they were the ACTUAL weapons. All in all I'd say it's a pretty nice Airsoft collection! Because I'm pretty sure this individual would have a nicer room than THAT if they had that kind of money.
1 Barrett M82- no longer manufactured, replaced by the M107, pricey then and now, and the optics could be upwards of 2 Gs for all I know.
1 M2 .50 cal- probably $40,000 or so
1 MG42- almost an antique and easily 35 Gs
1 PSG1 sniper rifle- last one I saw was a well worn example, and they still wanted 10 Grand for it.
1 FAL rifle- assuming it is a select fire, I'd venture $20,000
1 M249 Para- $36000, plus multiple tax stamps for the Short Barrel and select fire.
1 LAW Rocket Launcher <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" />- I'm under the impression that these are illegal for civilians to own under the destructive weapons act. So are the grenade launchers if I'm not mistaken.
Speaking of GLs
1 Thumper- I haven't the slightest clue how much one of these would cost.
1 M203 GL- once again, I have no baseline for cost. There is a 37mm Smoke
grenade launcher that you can purchase from Spike's Tactical, but it's definitely not an actual 40mikemike.
1 M60 LMG- The example they have at Dragon Man's Class III is about $65000
1 AK, Yugo Underfolder- the cheapest weapon to buy in select fire, probably still around 15Gs
1 MP5somethingorother, can't really tell from that angle- expensive?
1 SPAS 12- $1,500 or so, nothing really class III about it.
M16A1- expensive
1 P90-SBW, Full Auto, EXPENSIVE
M134 "Minigun"-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't think so.... BTW, the actual Bullet hose is longer than the one in the picture, it wouldn't fit on that shelf.
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