I know a lot of gun owners own safes, so I thought some of you safe owners might find this interesting.
Safe man - history of safes and safe cracking![[Linked Image from makezine.com]](http://www.makezine.com/blog/Battle%20of%20Safes%20rev%20copy.jpg)
Safebreaking - is a concise history of British safes and safe cracking - "This is a condensed history of the British safe, the development of which came about mainly as the safemaker's response to the Victorian cracksmen whose skill and ingenuity with basic handmade tools was quite admirable. By the turn of the Century, as new tools became available such as oxy-fuel cutters and power drills, so did the barrier materials and locking mechanisms improve to keep apace.
The way in which safes were, and are made, and the the tools and equipment employed by safebreakers over the last 150 years are described in the following pages..."
Safe Cracking![[Linked Image from makezine.com]](http://www.makezine.com/blog/safe.jpg)
"Tim Hunkin has a neat page with the history of safes and how to crack some of them- An illustrated lecture about the history of Safes and Safe breaking. The lecture is based round a large wooden safe with a video camera inside, projecting the inside of the door mechanism on a screen. This is currently my favourite lecture to perform. There's something very satisfying about the simple ingenuity of safes and locks. Its also an area of engineering design that has not been transformed by science or maths, and to me illustrates intuitive aspect of the subject, which often now gets forgotten."