Not sure MB. All I know is that he in Indian or Ohio now. This last go around they had him hanging from a Helicopter working on power lines/towers. I can find out though and let you know.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105
I am guessing a contract group. The biggest game in town is run and owned by the city. But for that type of line work I'm betting they contract. Its pretty specialized work.
I think you are correct. The company flew him from Missouri out there for an interview. He will be like a maintainer or something. From what she said it won't be what he HAS been doing but it is something he is interested in. He will have his own vehicle and will be home every night. He has a certain area he has to live within and she said one of the places is just on the outside boundary and is in the foothills. She is off until 1600 Saturday and when I find out I'll let you know.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105
She is From Colorado Springs! Her Mom still lives there and her husband will be staying with her mom until they can BOTH get out there and get a place to live. I think they have only been here about 8-10 years if that long. Not really sure where they met.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105
I think that they are getting ready to show how they make maglights after the commerical. Got some display pieces to. They were showing one that stopped a bullet and it's still working.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105