What an incredible job. Only one thing I love more than a satin finish and that's a mirror polish. It would be crazy hard for me to use it again. Curious to see your answer to Ireash...
Re: Polished 711 -a thing of beauty
[Re: Hobbes]
#68800508/21/1205:56 PM
Thanks everybody, its been an ongoing process working on it here and there. The mill lines were pretty deep on the sides and you cant tell but you can still barely see them but i think it looks pretty cool. I work in a shop where we do nothing but polish molds and dies for factories, so this is not your standard process for a knife polish. Started with a 150 grit paper drum for the ridges and pits, then a finer grit disk to get the lines out of the nooks, then stoned it with the profiler (polishing tool looks like a beefy tattoo gun)with a 320 to even it out then lapped it with 600 to smooth it down, then it was brushed, then a hard buff and a soft buff with different diamond paste, semi chrome buff, and a final polish with the finest grit diamond paste.
Here are some in progress while I was using the profiler
I have to admit, that is impressive and, and I don't like mirror finish except on art knives. Anything else has to be coated or satin/brushed finish. I don't like mirror finish on a knife that will be used.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105
That was some serious work bro and kudos to you for carrying on to the bitter sweet end. The final result is a beautiful blade that no one else has. I like the satin finish you were able to achieve I might have stopped myself there, but I'm glad you went all the way with it. Man that looks sweet.