Making that puukko to shine again might take some time. Is the handle baltic birch bark or leather? It looks like it was laquered. That metal part in the top of the handle before the blade can be brass, but the colour now makes me think it´s not.
JYD #134
"Well opinions are like @$$holes, everybody has one." - Clint Eastwood
I got a used ape cases acpro2000 case for $20 a couple days ago. it's sold as a camera case. I guess they run $100+ online so figured why not? not sure what I'm going to do with it but. it was cheap and I don't have anything else. figure worse case I set it up as an emergency type bag for my folks.
Nice pack lazi. I should get me a new camera case/bag too. I have a dslr and add. lense + my pocket camera and spare batteries, etc should fit in there also.
That kind of pack is good for fishing also.
JYD #134
"Well opinions are like @$$holes, everybody has one." - Clint Eastwood
morning dogs It looks like I will be supporting Olympic Arms from now on.
JYD#176 "dein Gott schickte mich zu zerstören" "Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis" "Sometimes the chance of a zombie outbreak is the only reason I need to make many of my life's Decisions." General Delivery