So I was buying ammo at the local SGS and I ran into a guy who works at a think tank. Former congressional candidate. Smart guy. He starts in about how we've got about three years. The economic models his think tank runs show the economy heading for collapse within about 3 years. Non-discretionary spending outstrips annual tax revenue by almost a trillion dollars a year. Add in discretionary spending and we are outstripping revenue by several trillion per year. He then talked about how his firm is now encouraging the government to spend so it hits that wall sooner and we can get on to the next phase--the sooner we collapse the sooner we recover.
That said, he said his think tank is looking at three years until recovery begins. In the interim, he's looking at three years of chaos--like the meltdown in Greece, only on a far grander scale since our economy is bigger and our debt crisis far more deep. His group is advocating 10k rounds per platform, at least a year of food, and a plan to survive as a community.
Now, I don't know him or his think tank but what he said made a lot of sense. So, my questions:
1. Anyone else hearing this?
2. Anyone else putting stock in this?
3. Anyone got 10k in 223, 22, 45, and 9mm they wanna loan me for the next 6 years?