Thanks Ray. It really is a great time, like a big family reunion but without the fight. grin Every knife person should make it to Blade at least once in their life.
In the booth across from Justin Gingrich there were two ladies looking serious, so I walked over and teased them into smiling. The boss lady noticed my Busse hat and commented on Busse renting out Jocks n Jills for their employees only and not the public. I explained that I'm a customer, not an employee, and the party was for Busse customers. I told them about the contests, prizes,etc. and they were amazed. When I told them how well Busse treats their customers the boss lady said that she will have to check them out next year! grin

Junk Yard Dog #1
Moderator/Leader of the Pack
Good night Mrs. B, wherever you are!
Long Live the Brotherhood of the Yard!