Stansbrew, he had a CCW (not issued in Seattle) but his mental-health history should have negated him having one in the first place. The Sheriff in his county (Snohomish, I believe) did not give due dilligence to his application.

Anyways, the Seattle mayor is the lamest mayor around. He's trying to ban fires on beaches, saying they contribute to global warming. He's trying to usurp state firearm laws with his latest scheme, banning legal firearms carry on all City property. He's put a parking tax on businesses that have employees that drive to work. Should I keep going? He's spent millions on a trolley-car to nowhere that no one rides. He wants 500,000 people to move to Seattle in the next 10 years but he wants to eliminate non-essential vehicle traffic in the downtown area. It's endless, I can't wait till his term is over and I don't even live there. But what happens in Seattle bleeds over into the rest of my great state. OK, rant off.