I believe that an adult should have total freedom except where it would infringe on another person. I am a socialist libertarian. Total freedom for individuals but a social safety net out of enlightened self interest and nationalized crown corporations for industries where it is to vital to the nation to leave it in the hands of people who only care about short term benefits to the share holders.

Energy for instance is vitally important and all anyone has to do is look at the price of gas to see how well the capitalists are handling it. They have made record profits for 20 years but have not put any money into infrastructure.
If it was not for the companies not building new refineries capable of processing
heavy crude and panicking greedy speculators driving the price up gas would be the same price as before. Also with a nationalized system all those billions go to reducing your taxes not making the rich richer.

We have done everything possible to drive small farms and small business under.
We have also killed most of the North American manufacturing other than niche businesses like Scrapyard. It is ridiculous that an American company should have to compete with a chinese one with no environmental rules ,lower taxes and slave labour in their home market!

I think the rights and well being of an American (or in my case Canadian) citizen should come before that of a foreign multinational.

For me it all comes down to the rights and responsibility of the individual.
Our rights should be respected but at the same time we should be able to take responsibility for ourselves rather than crying to the government to save us.

Taking responsibility for our own personal safety and that of our family is the most basic. I think the original US Constitution was a nearly perfect document for running a country for the benefit of the people rather than the benefit of the rulers. Almost every single amendment and act since then has been to the advantage of the rich and powerful at the expense of the average citizen.

Now it may seem strange to say that after ranting about how much the free market sucks for 4 paragraphs. However at the time it was written a all the controls on the market were to the benefit of the rich and powerful. At the time they thought a free market would be much better for the average hard working individual and the protestants who came over on the Mayflower had actually made it a part of their religion. Smuggling was an act of religious devotion.
They were as wrong about that though as they were about the world being only 5000 years old.

I want a system of government that makes it possible for an family to run a farm
or a small business to survive. It should allow the individual as much freedom as possible and anytime the government wants to restrict that freedom they should have to prove it necessary and that the measures will actually work.

There needs to be a mechanism in place to stop people from selling out everyones freedom for the illusion of safety. The nightmare of the UK should be a cautionary warning to us.

Sorry about the rant.

"if you want to be a hero you have to learn to drive stick"! Sara Conner